Artist statement: This art piece in oils strongly reflect my commitment during my recent several teen years. At every dental appointment with Dr. Koh, my braces were readjusted and consequently gave me enormous pain and suffering. While this set of metal caused me to go through an uncontrollable internal struggle, it finally became my close friend and the strong supporter of my teeth and spirit. I really wanted to express, on a wooden board, my endurance and lite-time commitment toward the successful end.

This painting is a spontaneous response of my subconscious state of mind on canvas. The green scenery with dots of flowers resembles the backyard in which I played during my childhood. By putting layers of overlapped glass on the left, I created two contradicctory atmosphere in the piece itself: the fragile characteristic of glass and the image of a wild field. I love the contrast between the artificial and the natural. They also enhance the mood of mystery and unsolved mind-puzzles, which most people experience in their afterthoughts about their dreams.

Firehall Center, Delta BC Canada
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